Past Life and Regression Therapy Training
Past life and regression therapy training teaches students to be professional therapists capable of handling a wide range of issues and guiding clients in soul evolution. It is available for the UK, Europe, USA, Canada, Singapore and Asia.
The members of the SRTA have had this training and it covers the following areas.
Past life training includes exploring past lives and transforming them using a wide range of techniques. It includes how to help a client understand the motives of perpetrators to bring forgiveness and completion. How to work with spirit guides and when to do role reversal to other past lives. Also the skills to handle a traumatic past life death and release stuck soul energy because these are the cause of many current life problems.
Early childhood trauma is often at the root of patterns of panic attacks, fear, powerlessness to confront others, overwhelming emotions such as anger, difficulty maintaining personal relationships and unexplainable pains. The regression therapy training teaches a range of bridges to quickly explore and transform them as well as how to handle cathartic release from these old wounds in a safe and caring way. The transformational techniques include age regression, inner child regression, use of soul contacts and clearing ancestral patterns.
Trauma memories called post-traumatic stress has its roots often below the level of conscious awareness but they affect a person's emotional health. Psychiatrist Bessel van der Kolk who is the director of the Trauma Centre at Boston University stresses that the body always carries the memory of trauma and the importance of body therapy. The body therapy used by the Past Life Regression Academy is based on the pioneering work of Roger Woolger and provides amazing transformations in resolving quickly trauma.
A spirit attachment is the consciousness of a person who has died and remained earthbound and attached itself to a another person. The symptoms of spirit attachment include low energy levels, headaches, intrusive thoughts and emotional outbursts. The spirit release clears the spirit attachment in a caring and sensitive way.
Regression Therapy Training
Body Therapy Training for Resolving Trauma
Past Life Training
Spirit Release Training
Past Life and Regression Therapy Training
The technique taught by the Past Life Regression Academy ® work on all energetic levels of the mind, body and soul and provides full healing by going to the source issue.
A Medical Perspective of Regression Therapy
Most medical doctors have very little or no knowledge of holistic approaches because in medical training the body is seen as separate from the mind, emotions or spirit. So it only covers physical treatments such as surgery and pharmaceuticals often to reduce symptoms rather than find the cause and resolve it.
However, some medical doctors such as Gabor Maté have a different view.
"When children are traumatised, one of the ways they cope is to calm themselves, and addictions come around the corner." But another way to deal with it is: if you get the message that you’re not good enough, that you’re Not worthy enough, then you could spend the rest of your life trying to prove that you are.
And how do you do that? By being very nice to everyone, by never saying how you feel, because they may not like how you feel, by never expressing healthy anger when someone crosses your boundaries. By working too hard to prove that you’re worth it. Well, then you spend the rest of your life compensating by gaining too much weight, and you put yourself stress, and that stress has an impact on your physiology. They impact your immune system, they impact your cardiovascular system, your heart, your nervous system. They can cause disease.
So most diseases that most of my colleagues - the doctors - think are just random or random diseases... are not random or coincidental at all. They are the result of lifelong stress. "
Regression therapy goes to the source of a problem such as these from past lives or the current life and assists a client to completely resolve them and in the process transform their lives. One medical doctor Peter Mack, a regression therapist and SRTA member has written a number of Past past life books with case studies of medical problems resolved using regression therapy.
International Standards of
Regression Therapy Training
International standards of Regression Therapy have been created by the Spiritual Regression Therapy Association and the Earth Association for Regression Therapy. Other schools working to these standard are:
Evadio School (Adrian Nache- Romania)
Getting Better School (Bernadeta Hodkova is the head trainer, in the ÄŒeská Republika/Slovensko and France)
Holistic Therapy Institute (Marina Paula Eberth – Estonia)
Hypnoscopesis: The Greek Academy of Regression Therapy (Nassos Komianos – Greece)
The Institute of Reincarnation and Regression Therapy (Silvia Petkova – Bulgaria)
Integration Therapy Training Program and Inner Child Therapy Training and RT for Medical Doctors Training program (Trisha Caetano – The Netherlands, U.S.A, Japan, India)
Mandala Institute of Holistic Studies (Katerina Kanellopoulou- Greece)
Ny – Innsikt : “New – Insight” (Gudrun Sanden – Norway)
Radianced School (Diba Ayten Yilmaz – Turkey)
The Romanian Institute for Regression Therapy (Victor Chirea – Romania)
Swan – School Of Training & Research In Regression Therapy
Tasso Institute (Hans TenDam – The Netherlands, Germany, Portugal, Japan, India) Tasso International also offers a full recognized training program in English
Tasso Russia Transpersonal Regression Therapy Institute. (Gennady Dolganov, Olga Chatskaya, Russia
Unicorn Transformational Studies (Tulin Etyemez Schimberg, M. Resat Guner – Turkey)
Vita Continua (Milton Menezes – Brazil)
Woolger Training International (Juanita Puddifoot, Patricia Walsh, Marco Andre Schwarzstein and local recognized trainers)
Wellness-Space (Gunjan and Riri Trivedi)