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Regression Therapists

Healing the source of your challenge

Benefits of Regression Therapy

Regression Therapist Process

Regression Therapy by the Internet

Holistic Approach

Prenatal Regression Therapy

Regression Therapy History


Regression therapists follow the holistic principle that a person’s illness or condition has a reason. They do not manifest randomly, but when emotional, psychological or spiritual stresses have affected or weakened the body’s defences. The therapists of the Spiritual Regression Therapy Association offer in-personal or internet regression therapy session and work internationally including the UK, Europe, USA Australia, Singapore and Asia. 



Regression Therapy quickly resolves a wide range of emotions including as powerless, anger, anxiety, shame, depression, anxiety and guilt. It can help with physical symptoms that do not have a medical explanation such as phantom pains, headaches, tendencies for repeated infection, allergies, post traumatic stress and other conditions. 


A range of medical issues have been effectively treated using regression therapy such as infertility, repeated loss of consciousness, asthma and autoimmune disorders. 


The healing is frequently dramatic and often exceed expectations. It is not uncommon to hear of clients feeling transformed in such a way that the measurable symptoms of their problem disappear completely in a few sessions. 


Regression Therapists help people uncover and transform the source of their challenge in the current life that can be rooted in a tragic event, or a series of traumatic ones, or in suppressed and unresolved childhood  experiences. 


A protective mechanism the body has against unexpressed emotions is to anaesthetise their intensity or block them off from conscious awareness. This leaves behind a wound of unexpressed emotions that can spill over in emotional outbursts or produce physically symptoms such as a headache, difficulty sleeping, irritable bowel syndrome, fatigue or another psychosomatic illness. 


The body often carries the memory of traumatic events and needs to be involved in the transformation by using body therapy. The importance of this to clear trauma has been independently confirmed by psychiatrists including Bessel van der Kolk at the Trauma Centre at Boston University.


When clients understand why they are ill, the blocked emotions have been released, and they are able to give and receive love and extend forgiveness to those who have wronged them, complete healing takes place.


Some regression therapists offer sessions by the internet as an alternative to in person sessions. The person will need to have a room free from disturbance, an internet that is stable with upload or download speeds in excess of 5Mb, a laptop with a camera built in, and a headset with microphone. The regression therapist assists people to becoming familiar with the technology. If the internet fails for any reason the regression therapist will discuss and agree a backup which may be a mobile switched into silent mode.


The medical view is that emotions have no real influence on physical wellbeing because they are not quantifiable. So it puts a priority on physical solutions such as medications that reduce symptoms for physical problems. 


At odds with this, regression therapy finds and resolves emotional disturbances at the root of the person's illness. It also works at the mind and spirit in order for the individual to self-adjust. This holistic approach respects the human individual for his capacity to heal himself, and regards the person as an active partner rather than a passive recipient of care.



Experiences within the womb may lead to profound influences on an individual’s adult life. The unborn baby is physiologically connected to the mother and psychologically surrounded by her emotional energy. In itself, the unborn baby lacks emotional defences and is unable to escape from the impact of the mother’s emotional state.




Sigmund Freud introduced the idea of trauma memories in the unconscious mind being brought to conscious awareness for healing. Carl Jung’s contribution was active imagination and the use of  guided imagery techniques that are also used in Regression Therapy.

British psychiatrist Alexander Cannon in the 1950's regressed over 1400 patients with symptoms that were not responding to conventional therapy with significant improvements. In the 1970s hypnotic age regression had become generally accepted by the medical profession. 


The First World Congress for Regression Therapy was held in the Netherlands in 2003. In the summer of 2006, the Earth Association of Regression Therapy (EARTh) was founded in Frankfurt. A few years later, Andy Tomlinson, who has been active as a trainer in regression techniques since 2002, founded the Spiritual Regression Therapy Association and Norsk forbund for Regresjonsterapi in Scandinavia.


In 2013 an international meeting of medical doctors and clinical psychologists that used regression therapy formed the Society for Medical Advance and Research in Regression Therapy.  They published thier book, Inner Healing Journey – A Medical Perspective, in which six medical doctors, including two psychiatrists, covered client healing stories using Regression Therapy. 

All the therapists of the Spiritual Regression Therapy Association work to the same international standard based on the regression and past life therapy training of the Past Life Regression Academy. It has been in place since 2002 and is similar or exceeds other standards of regression therapy and is recognised by the UK Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council.

Image by Ryan Yao


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